Content Warning
While Bro-Op is not rated by any official content ratings board, we believe our content should be considered TV-MA.
TV-MA content is intended for adults and may be unsuitable for children under 17. Our content may contain crude indecent language, discuss explicit sexual activity, or display graphic fictional violence.
We Take Silly Seriously
When Bro-Op began, it was heavily inspired by the comedy of the time--the 2000's. Our sense of humor is inspired by early YouTube, Adult Swim, and Comedy Central. As a result, our jokes are sometimes considered offensive by those uninitiated to "tongue-in-cheek" comedy.
Most of us grew up in a small-minded, isolated little town in Alabama. The racism, sexism, and homophobia that we've experienced since we were children has not been limited to microagressions and name-calling. It has been the kind of bigotry that makes people fear for their lives.
Back then, it was not uncommon for people to develop a darker (and often self-depreciating) sense of humor as a coping mechanism. As a result, many of the people I love have repurposed hateful slurs as ironic terms of endearment, as a means of diminishing their hold over us. We have coped with bigotry by making jokes at bigotry's expense.
This is difficult to explain to strangers who lack this context, and often times new viewers will mistake our satire as sincere. As a consequence of this, we have made an active effort to rely on this humor less often.
However, please keep in mind that, as a guest in our community, you may not have built the same relationship with us that many of our viewers have. We know each other well enough to tell when someone is joking, or else we would not feel comfortable making these jokes.