Arcade Rules

Stop running. You are here.

  • We know the feeling. You've scrolled until your thumbs are cramped, trying to find something to watch or listen to, something to distract you, just a fleeting moment of entertainment between pained, reluctant breaths.
  • It's easy to miss at first glance, but you'll be glad you stopped. Bro-Op is the best show on television. Stick around long enough, and you'll find out for yourself.

Have a keen sense of humor.

  • Having a "sense" of humor doesn't mean that you like laughing. It means that you can sense when something is intended seriously, when something is intended humorously, and the difference between the two.
  • If you're not using your sense of humor, it's easy to mistake our channel as cruel, rude, and problematic. But if we said something awful, there's a strong chance we said it because it was awful, and not because its how we feel.

Don’t act your age. Be your best.

  • Bro-Op is rated "M for Mature." That means this is an 18+ community. We don't host anything that is illegal for consumption under the age of 18, so what this really means is "Don't be a dick. Don't be a child. Don't be a childish dick."
  • We understand that our humor is sophmoric, but we also understand that there is a limit to how far many jokes can be taken in the spirit of "childishness." So, we encourage you to behave like someone who knows better--even if you don't.

Talking is a multiplayer game.

  • Whether it's between the streamer and Twitch chat, people typing in Discord, or people speaking in voice chat, conversation is meant to be a compromise between multiple people.
  • There is a give and take, which means no one should be complaining about "Dead Chats" if they aren't trying to start conversations, and no one should be dominating the air in voice chat without pausing for others to respond.

Celebrate wins, even when losing.

  • Our community is full of smart, funny, and talented people. We wand to make sure that people feel acknowledged and appreciated for the art, stories, and time they've shared with us.
  • Sometimes that means a kind word. Sometimes it's dropping a :like: on their Discord post. Sometimes it's taking time out of your busy day to visit with them. No matter how you do it, make sure you know they are appreciated.
  • The respect shouldn't end there. You too are a member of this community. Do not say or do anything that unironically dishonors yourself. You deserve better.

Feedback is always appreciated.

  • Sometimes when a viewer dislikes something about our content, they'll leave without saying a word, never to return. So, we ask you, please do not vanish without at least offering us some constructive criticism. We promise to not be cruel to you, as long as your criticism is respectful.
  • Likewise, as a member of our community, you must have the emotional intelligence to accept the feedback of others.  Remember: Criticism is a gift. It is up to you to give that gift value.

Someone has written additional instructions on the paper:

For bonus objectives, text "Bro" to 1 833 473 4283